(17.Jan.2025 submitted)
+ Countermeasure to the problem that the data transfer may be unstable.
+ Problem with not being able to close ranking when opened offline.
+ Vibration adjustment.
+ Reset of the number of possible region and succession changes.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(26.Sep.2024 submitted)
+ Bug in local battles for Back Dancers.
+ Fix for crash of some devices in Data Transfer.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(09.Sep.2024 submitted)
+ System updates.
+ Upcoming events, including a new event (scheduled for early December).
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(06.Aug.2024 submitted for Android)
+ Fixed : Crash on some devices caused by the last system update.
(05.Aug.2024 submitted)
+ System updates.
(10.Jun.2024 submitted)
+ New event (scheduled for early July)
+ Fixed bugs related to Back Dancers and Disappear.
+ Vibration adjustment during battle.
+ Fixed Spanish translation.(Thanks to Filanum!)
+ Fixed bugs in character selection screen.
+ Fixed bug with name input.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
Due to technical difficulties in recording play videos on Android, it is not available for Android 14 or later.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask that you use the screen recording function of the Android OS.
(31.May.2024 submitted)
+ System updates.
+ Vibration quality improvements.
+ Discontinued offering play video recording on Android OS 14 and above.
+ Translation fixes.
+ Bug fixes related to skins.
+ Top image shows character for highest ranks, even when using XP boost.
+ Adjustment of mission difficulty.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
Thank you for your various suggestions.
Those that can only be fixed with a major version will be addressed at a later date.
Due to technical difficulties in recording play videos on Android, it is not available for Android 14 or later.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask that you use the screen recording function of the Android OS.
(22.Apr.2024 submitted)
+ System update.
+ Reset of the number of possible region and transfer changes.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(20.Feb.2024 submitted)
+ Various fixes and improvements.
(06.Feb.2024 submitted)
+ Various fixes and improvements.
(25.Jan.2024 submitted)
+ The exchange condition for the fire skin was relaxed, now requiring only a maximum Rate Battle rating of 2000.
+ Hide arrows when moving communication opponents (fixed as they were showing up).
+ Reset the number of times for "Data Transfer" and "Region Setting" changes.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(17.Oct.2023 submitted)
+ New events "Change Cup vol.1" for the first last half of November.
+ Fixed several errors in skill descriptions.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
※ There was a misunderstanding regarding the event start date, and it has been corrected. We apologize for the inconvenience.
(15.Sep.2023 submitted)
+ Address issue where items could not be purchased in some cases on iOS.
(12.Sep.2023 submitted)
+ Experimental Premium Pack benefits were changed to official benefits.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(20.Jul.2023 submitted)
+ Fixed a problem where the transparency of the character becomes too high when using a skill such as "Vanish" with a skin equipped.
+ Synchronized the transparency of arrows indicating movement direction with the transparency of the character.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(26.Jun.2023 submitted)
+ System updates.
+ Translation improvements.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(20.Jun.2023 submitted)
+ Several anti-fraud measures.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(15.Jun.2023 submitted)
* This version will be available after the 17th June.
+ Updated ad serving system library.
+ Tapable icon on top screen when using XP boost items.
+ New missions added.
+ Improved translation of Chinese traditional and simplified characters.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
[Updated Ad Serving System Library]
We have updated the ad serving system library to the latest version in response to a report that the button for receiving reward rewards overlaps with the header and cannot be pressed on iOS.
We are not sure if this update solves the problem or not, since the problem does not occur on this device in the first place.
If the problem has not improved after the update, we would appreciate it if you could provide us with feedback via "Email Support" in the application.
(05.Jun.2023 submitted)
+ New feature "Skin".
+ Rank limit changed from 90 to 100.
+ Fixed an issue where custom aliens could not be selected in the Event Battle.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
* "Skin" is a feature for highly ranked advanced players.
[Issue Regarding the Inability to Close Video Ads on iOS]
We have received several reports about an issue where the header elements on iOS overlap with the button to claim rewards from video ads, rendering the button unclickable.
We believe this is due to compatibility issues between the ad delivery system and iOS. We are planning to update the ad system library in the next update.
We are making this a priority, so we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and kindly ask for your patience until the issue is resolved.
(23.May.2023 submitted)
+ New events in June (will be held semi-monthly from now on).
+ Improved translation of Chinese traditional and simplified characters.
+ Looping Planet excluded from Event Battles.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(25.Apr.2023 submitted)
+ New event in May, P-Cup vol.9. (Planet tour edition)
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
* We forgot to mention in the event description in the app, but this P-Cup is like the Tour Cup, with a different planet for every battle.
(14.Apr.2023 submitted)
+ Online and local integrated on Friend Battle page.
+ 1 daily mission slot in premium package.
+ Added bonus stage for Daily Mission achievement rewards.
+ Reduced difficulty of Daily Missions.
+ Rewards received at the end of battles when Daily Mission conditions are met.
+ Changed Daily Mission release rank from 5 to 3.
+ Improved translation quality.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(06.Apr.2023 submitted)
+ Fixed bugs related to the Party Cup.
+ Translation additions and improvements.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(24.Mar.2023 submitted)
+ New event in April: Party Cup vol.1.
+ Korean translation.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(7.Mar.2023 submitted)
[Dear Premium Package Users]
As a benefit of the Premium Package, we are experimenting with additional features.
+ Random selection of planets.
(At the end of the planet list, a ? has been added to unlock it)
+ Option to control your opponents when practicing.
(Tap the screen on your opponent's side during practice to turn on the ability to specify your opponent's stationary position. You can also use your opponent's skills at any time you wish.)
+ Today's specials reset every 12 hours.
+ Add 2 hearts for events.
If there are no problems after operating for a while, we will make it an official benefit.
Please contact us if you have any concerns.
+ New event "Scramble Cup" (March 11-)
+ Skill name : "Petite" changed to "Mini" (English and Spanish).
+ Tap control : accept next move operation without releasing finger.
+ Adjustment of skill sound effects.
+ Problem with custom character description conflicting with based characters.
+ Korean translation.
+ Improved logic of terminal clock check.
+ Reset of the number of possible region and transfer changes.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
>It seems that the order of the canvases is different from the order in which I sorted them and the order in which others see them, so I would like you to unify the order.
Originally, we had intended for the order to be the same as the local gallery, but the load on the server would be very large if we tried to reflect the same order as the local gallery, so we have prioritized the speed of the gallery display and maintaining service, and currently the order is "most recent date used in battle".
If we can find a better way to solve the load problem, we would like to fix it.
(15.Feb.2023 submitted)
+ Skill Cup vol.2 (from Feb. 21)
+ Skill balance adjustments.
+ Paging functionality for other players' galleries.
+ Various other corrections and improvements.
[Important Notice]
The closing date of the Skill Cup vol.1 will be changed from the originally scheduled end of February to February 20th.
The Skill Cup vol.2 with different rules will be held from the following day, the 21st. Star Badge will be awarded as usual.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.
[Skill Balance Adjustment]
Vanish Ball : P-1
Squid Ink : +2 seconds
Octopus Ink : +2 seconds
Smokescreen : +1 seconds
Petite Delta : bullet speed+
Big Arrow : Cost-1
Bubble Bomb : Cost-1
Switch Moon : Cost-1
Switch Trick : Cost-1
Inverted Pot : Cost-1
Mimicry Pot: Cost-1
Stray Sheep : Cost-1
Snip Snip : Cost-1
Flying Fish : Curve width+
Goat Bomb : Cost-1
Secret Admire : bullet+1, fluffy-
(7.Feb.2023 submitted)
+ "Edit Description" function for custom alien (offline-only function)
+ Display of name and description in "Website" of custom alien.
+ Gallery paging feature with buttons to go to first and last page.
+ Include custom alien in random selection.
+ Setting not to use cache when acquiring network time.
+ Added Korean translation.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(26.Jan.2023 submitted)
+ February, a new event "Skill Cup vol.1".
+ Skill balance adjustments.
+ Lighter Gallery screen.
+ Changed the name of the final attack of P Bomb from "Trick P" to "P Bomb".
+ Added Chinese (Simplified/Traditional) and Korean translations.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
[Skill balance adjustments]
- Variable Stars : Adjustment of firing position (especially for cost 6 and above).
- Footwork : Narrower width.
- Wink : Cost 3 from 4.
- Sidekick : Change character for each shot (+3). Late in the game, firing position forward (same as Wave).
- Birdlime, Heavy Lime: Firing position forward.
- Fluffy Shot, Fluffy Slow, Fuzzy Shot, Fluffy Balloon, Fluffy Stars: Firing position slightly forward.
(27.Dec.2022 submitted)
+ Various fixes and improvements.
(20.Dec.2022 submitted)
+ Adjusted Event or Rate Battle and character release conditions.
+ Changed upper rank limit from 80 to 90.
+ Dialogized menu for custom characters.
+ Added +1 coin each time today's special is opened.
+ Added Chinese translation for v5.0.0 and later.
+ Report button for inappropriate custom characters.
+ Performance improvement. (iOS)
+ Extended screen display area. (Android)
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(8.Dec.2022 submitted)
* In an upcoming update, we plan to change the release ranks for Rate Battle and Event Battle from the current settings. Please be advised of this.
+ Fixed : Problem with not being able to start on some devices with certain language settings, such as Polish.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(29.Nov.2022 submitted)
* In case of update from v4 series, after the update, "Today's Special" will be reset.
+ No resume controls for minigames.
+ Balance adjustment and score reset for "Only Lonely".
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(25.Nov.2022 submitted)
+ Bug fixes.
Due to an unforeseen glitch in the "Only Lonely" mini-game, we have taken steps to address this issue.
If the problem can be prevented, we will reset the current scores in a forthcoming update.
If we discover any problems with other mini-games as well, we may reset the rankings or change the specifications so as not to spoil the playing experience.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
(22.Nov.2022 submitted)
[Major Update]
*After the update, "Today's Special" will be reset.
+ New item "Canvas" in the Antenna Shop!
Your original character will be able to play in Star Shoot VS!
+ Stamps (bonus for purchasing a canvas)
+ Nickname changes are now done with Rename Ticket.
+ New events in December-January.
+ New effect when bullets hit.
+ Adjustment of the UI design of the entire screen.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(15.Nov.2022 submitted)
+ System updates.
[About This Update]
We have received reports of audio crashes (no sound) on Android version 12.
We believe that there is a high possibility that this issue will be resolved with this system update, but we would appreciate it if you could report any subsequent occurrences or any changes in behavior.
(04.Nov.2022 submitted for Android)
+ Android : The maintenance status of the play video recording plugin has been lifted.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
[Regarding the bug that used to occur in the past that caused bullets to be fired faster]
Since the large system update in early August, there had been a problem with the speed of some skills becoming faster on devices with certain language settings, including Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, and French.
This problem was due to the fact that decimal points in numbers are taken differently in different cultures, which affected the behavior of the program.
It has been fixed in v4.13.1 and we are reporting it to you as the corrected version has penetrated.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
[Regarding the Android play video recording function]
The video recording plug-in was temporarily removed to investigate the cause of crashes that have been occurring on some Android devices.
As was the case before the maintenance, using the video recording function may cause storage space to grow or operation to become unstable in some environments. In such cases, please use the functions provided with the OS instead.
The crash on Android devices seems to occur depending on the device environment, but we are unable to reproduce it on the device we have, so the investigation is still in progress.
[Regarding the problem of data rewinding during iOS updates]
This is also an issue that is rarely reported, but the cause has not been identified.
We have implemented a code in this version to investigate the issue and are looking for a way to resolve it.
(31.Oct.2022 submitted for Android)
+ Changed : Android API level (target 30 > 33).
(25.Oct.2022 submitted)
+ New events in Nobember.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(29.Sep.2022 submitted)
+ Fixed issue related to "XP Boost Turbo" purchased with v4.12.0.
+ Various fixes and improvements.
[Regarding a problem with XP Boost Turbo]
There was a problem with XP Boost Turbo purchased with v4.12.0 not working properly.
(Those purchased with other versions will still work properly with v4.12.0.)
This problem has been fixed in v4.13.0, and we are making up for it as we go along.
(You will be automatically credited with the number of purchases you make.)
If you think you are eligible for this issue and have not been compensated after updating to this version, please contact us from within the app.
(28.Sep.2022 submitted)
+ Various fixes and improvements.
(26.Sep.2022 submitted)
+ New events in October.
+ Fix to an issue where reward ads sometimes fail to grant rewards.
+ Android : Play video recording function temporarily turned off for maintenance.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
[About Video Recording of Play]
We have received reports that the application crashes on Android devices even when video recording is not in use.
To check if this is related to the video recording plug-in, we have temporarily removed the video recording function for Android devices only.
(We apologize for the inconvenience, but if you need to take a video, please use Android's screen record function instead.)
If you are experiencing the same frequency of crashes after this version, we would appreciate it if you could report it to us.
(05.Sep.2022 submitted)
+ Update plugin for item purchases.
+ Adjusted the effect when a bullet hits an opponent (experimental only for events).
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(30.Aug.2022 submitted)
+ New event for September.
+ Adjusted the effect when a bullet hits an opponent (experimental only for events).
+ Changed the period of time for ranking in rate battles from 1 month to 1 week.
+ Various fixes and improvements.
(22.Aug.2022 submitted)
+ Various fixes and improvements.
(18.Aug.2022 submitted)
+ Updates to plug-ins related to animation.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(10.Aug.2022 submitted)
+ Fixed a bug regarding synchronization of called Friends positions.
+ Fixed a bug that caused a rare forced exit in Event Battle.
+ Fixed incorrect color display of "Wink"ed opponents.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(2.Aug.2022 submitted)
+ August events (will start when the month changes).
+ Skill balance adjustment.
+ Fixed problem with P overlapping with shot button disabling touch detection.
+ Fixed a bug related to Back Dancers.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
[About This Update]
Due to the very large impact, we will be releasing this update in phases over time.
We would appreciate it if you could report any strange behavior.
In particular, if any of the following phenomena continue to occur after the update, please report them to us.
+ Silence when viewing ads.
+ The file size of Android is bloated when the play movie recording is turned on.
+ The phenomenon that the screen goes dark on iOS when the play movie recording is turned on.
(22.July.2022 submitted)
+ August events (will start when the month changes).
+ Skill balance adjustment.
+ Fixed problem with P overlapping with shot button disabling touch detection.
+ Fixed a bug related to Back Dancers.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(11.July.2022 submitted)
+ Change UI of character selection screen (events only).
+ Hide arrows when moving communication opponents.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(28.June.2022 submitted)
+ July events (will start when the month changes).
+ Skill balance adjustment.
+ Problem with practice opponent not using skills with cost X.
+ Problem with Turn Aim not working properly due to Trampoline Planet.
+ Turn Aim does not work properly due to Trampoline Planet wakes.
+ Canvas correction also applied to up and down.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(15.June.2022 submitted)
+ 한국어에 대응했습니다! Korean language support (α version).
+ Various fixes and improvements.
(02.June.2022 submitted)
+ Skill name renamed : Slug Drill to Drill Slug.
+ The maximum number of data transfer operations has been changed from 3 to 5.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
The walking animation can now be viewed at the URL issued when the canvas is shared.
The old beta version of the Alien Slug
(30.May.2022 submitted)
+ June event "Tour Cup vol.2" (starts when the month changes)
+ Correction of biased drawings on the canvas.
+ Skill name renamed : the word "Shabby-" to "Slow-".
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(13.May.2022 submitted)
+ Improved character movement controls.
+ Extended cool time for using emotes.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(11.May.2022 submitted)
+ Skill balance adjustment.
+ Canvas Cup : Changed to allow selection of both customized and normal characters.
+ Canvas cups : Addition of unmatchable skills.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(1.May.2022 submitted)
+ Various fixes and improvements.
We are correcting a flaw in the Canvas Cup publication settings.
We will start publishing when this version is reflected in the stores of "both" platforms.
Thank you for your patience.
(29.Apr.2022 submitted)
+ Various fixes and improvements.
(26.Apr.2022 submitted)
+ May event "1st Canvas Cup" (starts when the month changes).
+ Fixed UI below energy gauge to prevent character movement.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(14.Apr.2022 submitted)
+ 支持中文語言! (Chinese language support.)
+ Lighter application startup.
+ Improved login speed.
+ Various fixes and improvements.
(4.Apr.2022 submitted)
+ Various fixes and improvements.
(28.Mar.2022 submitted)
+ Rank limit changed from 70 to 80.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(18.Mar.2022 submitted)
+ April events (starts when the month changes).
+ Fixed some text not displaying properly.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(8.Mar.2022 submitted)
+ Spanish language quality improvements.
+ Fixed a bug in Inverted Pot.
+ Fixed some text not displaying properly.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(1.Mar.2022 submitted)
+ Spanish language support.
+ Emote mute function during battles.
+ Improved support for iOS 11 and later, Android 7.1 and later.
+ Fixed a bug related to the hit detection of Planet Mirror.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(24.Feb.2022 submitted)
+ Event preparation (will be switched in March).
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(8.Feb.2022 submitted)
+ Changed the font used.
(the special characters in European languages, Chinese, Korean, etc. will be displayed more beautifully)
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
The font used has been changed to support multiple languages.
The special characters of European languages, Chinese, Korean, etc. will be displayed more beautifully.
If you are familiar with foreign languages other than English and have played Star Shoot VS, we would appreciate it if you could help us with the translation work.
한국어가 아름답게 표시되는 글꼴로 변경했습니다.
(1.Feb.2022 submitted)
+ New event in February, the 1st Tour Cup.
+ Skill balance adjustment.
+ Report and hide inappropriate nicknames.
+ Data transfer function re-activated.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(25.Jan.2022 submitted)
+ Slightly lighter behavior when launching app.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(13.Jan.2022 submitted)
+ Skill balance adjustment.
+ Fixed : Several bugs in planets.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(6.Jan.2022 submitted)
+ Fixed : the 2P side to not be able to shoot after a wind notification at Storm Planet in Local Battle.
+ Fixed : Scapegoat skill used by the opponent does not work properly in Trial Mode.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(27.Dec.2021 submitted)
+ English text quality improvement.
+ Various other fixes and improvements
(23.Dec.2021 submitted)
+ Option to reverse skill button placement in Config.
+ Slightly lighter behavior when launching app.
+ Fixed wrong descriptions for skills.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(20.Dec.2021 submitted)
+ Fixed XP boosts not being consumed when rank is at max value.
+ "Star Tips" will no longer notify players with rank 10 or higher.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(17.Dec.2021 submitted)
+ Notification when "Special Offer" is updated.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(14.Dec.2021 submitted)
+ Various fixes and improvements.
(13.Dec.2021 submitted)
+ Indicates when "Today's Special" will next appear (24 hours later)
+ Various other fixes and improvements
(08.Dec.2021 submitted)
[Big Update! (v4.0.0)]
+ New characters.
+ "Antenna Shop" (XP boosts, sales, rare characters, etc.)
+ "Planet Selection" (for Friend & Local Battle.)
+ Feature to view data on a character your opponent has used in battles.
+ Changed the rank limit from 50 to 70.
+ New emotes.
+ Limit unlocking of skills by rank.
+ Brushed up UI design.
+ Various other fixes and improvements.
(* For now, there will be no event in December.)